Oct 26, 2012
I'm always interested in prosthetics that create slowness, as opposed to speed; disruption, as opposed to efficiency. Like Sitraka Rakotoniaina and Harry Vermeulen’s Time Conditioning piece, or Jessica Field's Maladjusted Ecosystem. So I also love these shoes by Leanie van der Vyver:
Watch the video to see how they comment so pointedly on the sky-high hobbled walk imposed by heels—in this case inverted entirely. (You'll have to click through to Vimeo; they've made it impossible to embed it here.)
[vimeo w=500&h=281]
Scary Beautiful shoes by Leanie van der Vyver from Dezeen on Vimeo.
Read more at De Zeen or on Leanie's web site. Thanks, Kristofer.