



Design for Know-Nothings, Dilettantes, and Melancholy Interlopers, Eyeo 2016



Design for Know-Nothings, Dilettantes, and Melancholy Interlopers – Translators, impresarios, believers, and the heartbroken—this is a talk about design outside of authorship and ownership, IP or copyright, and even outside of research and collaboration. When and where do ideas come to life? What counts as design? Sara talks about some of her own

Eyeo 2016 – Sara Hendren from Eyeo Festival // INSTINT on Vimeo.

Design for Know-Nothings, Dilettantes, and Melancholy Interlopers – Translators, impresarios, believers, and the heartbroken—this is a talk about design outside of authorship and ownership, IP or copyright, and even outside of research and collaboration. When and where do ideas come to life? What counts as design? I talk about some of my own “not a real designer” work, but mostly I talk about the creative work of others: in marine biology, architecture, politics, education. Lots of nerdy history, folks.