Screen shot of the a plus a home page: a grid of projects ranging from architecture to prosthetics, with the main menu across the top.

Finally live:! A + A is the Adaptation and Ability Group, my lab at Olin College. It's the first of a three-in-one site designed to keep distinct the work of the lab, the ongoing Abler archive that points to other people's work, and then my own site for personal projects, essays, and the like. Abler as one canopy has more or less worked since 2009, but my new job and multiple collaborations have strained its edges too much in the last years. I've been working with the super talented Casey Gollan to get it right—let us know if you find some bugs here or there as we fully transfer over.

We're also trying a bunch of things around digital accessibility. Abler has always had alt text descriptions for images, and that's still true on the new site. But on A + A, captions are also present and foregrounded in a new way, and we're using Fluid Project's Infusion Framework to change various reader preferences. Click on the little equalizer icon at the top right, and play around with font sizes, color contrast, and more. We've documented all our code, design, and research on accessibility over on Github.

You can get low-volume updates—probably four per year max—via Tinyletter. I'm thrilled to get new work out into the world and to keep building a technical and social practice. Thanks for all these years of reading.